I’m thrilled to introduce my new Personal project: the LWC Recipes Cookbook with My LWC Guide On Steroids, that I have been crafting during the last months in my personal time.

These 2 comprehensive e-books/website=booksites? 🤓 are designed to help you master Lightning Web Components (LWC) with ease and efficiency, focusing on a practical approach.

I onboarded in this project for several reasons (read them all here) but mainly because I found hard and a bit tedious to read the official documentation, many blog posts are outdated, quite a lot of Youtube videos provide not very high-level explanations and the shared code lacks the high-quality standards required on today’s world.

Also, I realize that there is an existing gorgeous, very high-quality resource that many of us don’t know very well, the Salesforce LWC Recipes repository created by the Salesforce Evangelist Team, which is updated every release.

💫 This new Cookbook aims to improve the learning process, with a practical approach, up-to-date information, comprehensive content the best code quality that is available. It is oriented to developers and architects who are willing to understand the LWC architecture but looking at the code from the very first minute.

But this alone is not enough IMO, you need to understand the capabilities behind the code you are running, so I did need to create 2 resources: the LWC Recipes Cookbook with My LWC Guide On Steroids.

In my experience, you can’t learn to code without coding, but you can speed up this learning with materials that focuses on the behind the scene capabilities.

And learning from a high-quality, updated code, from the experts, then with you have found the best ingredients for your new endeavor: learning LWC.

What is the LWC Recipes Cookbook?

Here’s how this resource can benefit you:

Full list of sections, following the same order that appears in the Salesforce Recipes Repository
  • 86 LWC recipes explained in detail: all current LWC recipes explained (except for Aura, that is a defunct technology for me).
  • Full LWC spectrum: from wire adapters, to the Light DOM, Refresh components, Dynamic interactions, Navigations, GraphQL, etc., all the topics are examined.
  • Detailed Explanations: Each of the 86 recipes is broken down with step-by-step guidance, ensuring you understand not just the «how,» but the «why» behind each component.
  • Quality Code Examples: The cookbook includes the high-quality code examples from the Salesforce Evangelist Team, incorporating the latest improvements from Salesforce. This ensures you’re learning the most up-to-date practices and techniques.
  • Practical Insights: Alongside code examples, you’ll find practical insights and tips that provide context and enhance your understanding of LWC in real-world applications.
  • Linked Resources: For those who want to dive deeper, each recipe links to additional resources, allowing you to expand your knowledge and explore related topics further.
  • User-Friendly Format: The e-book is organized in a clear, easy-to-navigate format, making it a perfect reference guide whether you’re a beginner or an experienced developer looking to sharpen your skills.
  • Free forever and for everyone: as much as I received from the Community, this project, as all others (https://forcegraells.com) that I have created are free forever, for everyone: no fees, no licenses, no ads.

This cookbook is more than just a learning tool—it’s a pathway to becoming proficient in LWC, empowering you to build robust, scalable applications on the Salesforce platform.

..but that’s not all, only half of it

Sometimes, the official Salesforce documentation refers to some LWC recipes, but I found the explanations a bit challenging to understand. And I realize, that it would be useful having the other way around approach: so when you are working with a recipe, it would be awesome to find the right documentation, in a summarized way without needing to look for the right page, in the right guide…

So, I created My LWC Guide on Steroids that takes the official documentation as foundation but explained in a simple, condensed and clear way that is referenced the recipes. Currently, in the first version it takes a +100 pages to cover all the topics found in the recipes. It is not my aim to duplicate the official documentation, this would be nonsense, but instead to provide the best documentation related to the recipe you are working on.

Of course, you can decide to use the Steroids Guide as a reference manual on its own.

With this approach, you are able to study every single recipe from the Cookbook, but quickly jump to a summarized, to-the-focus explanation of the capability on the platform that sits behind the recipe.

Partial screenshoot of the sections on the LWC Guide on Steroids

A total of 10 sections, with 41 topics platform capabilities are fully covered, from Lightning Message Service, Accessing data with LWC, Wire Adapters, handling errors, using GraphQL, using 3rd Party Libraries, Dynamic Interactions, just to name a few!!

Kudos to the Salesforce team

I’d like to extend 🙏 a heartfelt thank you to the Salesforce Evangelist Team for creating the original repository for LWC Recipes. This project could not be possible without it, and their recipes are the foundation for this cookbook, making it possible to provide this project.

Ready? The oven is prepared, and you?

Ready to elevate your LWC skills? Dive into the LWC Recipes Cookbook and accelerate your journey to success!

Check it out LWC 🧑‍🍳 Recipes Cookbook here and My LWC Guide on 💊 steroids here. Happy learning! 📚✨

2 respuestas a “🎆 New personal project: The LWC Recipes Cookbook & My LWC Guide on Steroids”

  1. Avatar de Esteve Graells

    Your LWC courses are amazing Sara, so I’m flattered you day this.

    Me gusta

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